Hi all. Welcome to my bloggish thing. For anyone who is reading this post as it actually appears on the first day of this blog, October 3, 2008, I congratulate you on being a piece of history. A really, r
eally, really small and categorized part of history really pertaining to no one but me, but a piece of history anyway. For those of you who are reading this to find out why this blog exists, welcome...I guess.
What this is all about: I'm going to attempt to write a daily recap of my adventures riding my 50cc scooter to and from work each day. I have no idea how well this is going to work, or turn out, or whether or not it will be interesting to anyone but me - I suspect it probably won't. But writing about my mishaps on the road is really only part of why I'm doing this blog. In reality, I need an excuse to write. I used to write all the time when I was in school, and now, outside of e-mails, status reports, and client proposals, I don't have any time (at least that's what I tell myself) to actually just write.
So, I'm not simply doing this blog to tell you how many people cut me off each day, but rather as an exercise to get myself to write. Call me selfish - I am!
Who I am: I'm a 26 year-old who works for an audiovisual company in Baltimore, MD. I love the Baltimore Orioles. I
play guitar in two bands. But enough about me - lets get to the real star of the show...
This here is my Genuine Roughhouse R50 scooter that I purchased all the way back in July of 2008. Okay, well its not mine, that's the official promo shot of the scooter, but you get the idea.
Isn't it the ugliest damn thing in the world?
There is absolutely nothing that endeared me to this model when I went to buy my scooter. I wanted a Buddy, which is a knock-off of a Vespa, one of those classic-looking scooters that all the Mods used to ride back in England when the Who kicked ass and before the Kinks started getting lame. This was literally the last scooter that they had in the 50cc range. Here in Maryland, you can have a scooter up to 50cc without having to get it registered, or having to get a motorcycle license. Obviously, I wanted a 50cc scooter.
But so does everyone else in the world these days, so I had to take what I could get. The guy at the dealership said they weren't getting a shipment of Buddies in for another two months at the earliest and they had all been sold already. But, he said in his salesman-like way, this here ugly-ass thing with headlights that look like Frank from Donnie Darko and a split-pea soup paint job, has the same engine as the Buddy, with more storage space, larger tires, and bigger shocks.
SOLD! To the impulsive idiot on the left.
So I got the ugly thing and headed home, and have absolutely fallen in love with it ever since. It no longer seems ugly to me - it has character. It gets me everywhere I need to go in the city quickly, I can keep up with even crazy Baltimore traffic, I can park anywhere I want, and best of all, I get 90 MPG. So nyah.
Every day I ride my scooter to work about 5 miles along this route:
I suspect that at some point I'll give you some details about different sections of the route, but suffice it to say that it is pretty varied - it goes from a four-lane road to one-way streets to driving under bridges and beside a pretty creek. I'm pretty lucky in that regard, and it certainly has made my commute a hell of a lot more bearable.
So that's that - I hope to update this daily, but I probably won't. Like most things I do, I thought of this on the way to work, I'll be really into it for about two weeks or so, and then I'll trail off and eventually forget about it. So you have that to look forward to.
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