Monday, October 6, 2008

Not Exactly What I Need Right Now

Time: Forgot to keep track, but I got to work before 8

Mileage: 682

Go Angels!  Ah?  Ah?  Anybody?  That game was fantastic last night, even though K-Rod's 9th inning...dramatics...drove me absolutely up the wall.  I mean, dude completely falls off the mound and crumples to the ground whenever he throws a breaking ball or his Fossum Flop or whatever got people out during the regular season.  Thats all well and good when he's striking people out, but when he can't finish the deal on an 0 and 2 count and stupid, stupid Kevin Youklis is battling it out with him, the whole falling down thing just looks dumb.
The most satisfying part of the evening, for me, was watching David Ortiz be pretty much useless all night long.  I can't tell you how many times that guy has broken my heart, and to see him whiff with a runner on in the 5th (or whenever) was the undisputed highlight of my Sunday. 

Sorry, babe.  Love you!

Anyway, onto the subject of the blog, which has to do with the health of my scooter.  It has an electric start, but lately when I hit it, instead of the starter catching and the thing roaring to life, I just hear the sound of what I assume to be the starter whirring.  And nothing happens.  And then I try again, and the same thing happens.  So the next part is that I try a whole bunch of variables out, such as rocking the scooter back and forth, holding the brakes tighter, revving the engine while I hit the starter, rocking the scooter back and forth, cursing, stopping, catching my breath, hitting it again, cursing, rocking the scooter back and forth...

And then it will just start.  I have no idea what is causing this, but it is irritating the shit out of me.  Also of note: it only does it when I try to start it cold.  If the engine is warm, it doesn't happen.

Well?  Anybody?  Suggestions?