Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Weird Facts About Northern Alaska, Part I

- The sun rose today at 8:45, and will set around 8:15.

- At 10:50, both the sun and the moon were perfectly visible in the sky.

- Gas is currently $7.39/gallon as posted on the one pump in town.

- Every Alaskan gets $1,305 this year as shared oil revenue. (source: my girlfriend)

- All of the buildings in this town are built on stilts just like at the beach. This is done to prevent the permanently frozen ground from thawing and turning to mud due to the heat of the building.

- Sun Chips are available at the local store, on sale for $7.99.

- Curiously, Pringles are also available right next to them for $1.49.

- All of the restaurants and carry-out/delivery places in Kotzebue are run by Chinese and Korean immigrants, even though there is not a sizable Asian population in the town.

- Satellite dishes in this region of the world point either parallel to or towards the ground.


Chris Heppding said...

Hey John,

Glad to see that your writing again.

I never thought your job would ever take you to such a cold and desolate place. Pretty funny stuff.