Saturday, February 21, 2009

Prom, Part Deux

So tonight, I'm going back to prom. This will actually make my third trip (but I don't know what comes after Deux, so I had to lie in my title line. Trois? Is that it? Is that French?) to prom in my life. My friend Alex and his fiancee are having a prom-themed birthday tonight and, as such, I now have a chance to relive the glory days of high school all over again.


No, high school pretty much sucked. And come to think of it, so did the two proms that I attended. Well, actually not the second one. I got to go with my girlfriend at the time, wear an ultra-cool white tux, and ride in a classic Rolls-Royce limo. So that was fun. But the first one was not as great. I can't remember where the hell we ate, I went with a girl who was very nice but not a great friend of mine, or even someone I hung out with, and to be honest I don't remember much other than that it was somewhere in Chambersburg.

Anyway, I'll try to make a better go at it this time. Pictures forthcoming. Honestly, I just like the fact that I have an excuse to wear a tux and go out to eat.