Friday, December 5, 2008

A Meta-Blog

I've been doing this blog thing for about two months now...I know I don't write every day, but I've been pretty consistent and I think I'm getting better at working within the confines of the blog medium. I tend to get pretty positive comments from the 4 or 5 people who have checked out my site so far, and I happen to be of the opinion that perhaps many more people might have good things to say about my blog.

However, the only way that I can spread the word about my blog is to advertise. I've been doing some guerrilla marketing the last month or so...I have a link to the site at the bottom of all of my personal e-mails, and I try to mention it to people who might give a shit, etc. But if I really try to market it or push it on people I don't know, doesn't that shift my motivation for having this blog? I started it just to do it, write about my awesome scooter, and give myself an excuse to write. I told myself I didn't care if no one reads it.

Except, I do.

I want people to come to my blog from all over the internet and post comments and have me post back and start flame wars and have people accuse me of not knowing what the hell I'm talking about and parlay all of this buzz into a regular paid column at ESPN. Is that too much to ask?

So, who knows? In another month or so, all of my loyal fans may be forsaken for the great unwashed rabble of the general internet population. Such is the way of a crappy personal blog about anything I feel like. Time marches on. Or not. Probably not.

/wantonly self-promotes through other peoples' blogs